Pre trip

PLEASE NOTE - THIS BLOG WAS WRITTEN FOR MEMBERS OF THE MORGAN THREE WHEELER CLUB AND SHOULD BE READ ACCORDINGLY On 8 June, I will set off for the North Cape. And, if the fates smile on me, return back. Because we will be attempting this adventure in The Toad, a Morgan Three Wheeler. Quite a thing. Not quite a car, not quite a bike. A two litre Harley-derived VTwin engine stuck onto a wooden tubbed, metal-skinned body. Morgan started making these in 1909, and although the modern version no longer has British engines and its gearbox is from a Mazda MX5, the design and concept is not far off from its record-setting pre-War forerunners. Decrepit and running out of puff (me, not The Toad), I got mine 18 months ago because it wakes me up like nothing else. There is not much better to get the endorphins going than blasting along in this thing, the wind in what's left of one's hair. But the adrenaline rush may have something to do with The Toad not being the safest, no...