Vintage Revival Montlhery, 11-12 May 2019

A group of Three Wheelers (two recent ones and a 1934 Supersports piloted by our capable leader Ian Parkinson) made their way through northern France to the Vintage Revival in Montlhery just south of Paris. Think Goodwood Revival with a Gallic twist. Meeting up in Laon, with its notable cathedral, we made our way to Compiegne, north east of Paris, for three days of sightseeing. Trips to Coucy Castle blown up by the retreating Germans in WW1 to prevent its use as an Observation Post... The Armistice Carriage (actually a replacement from the same train - the Germans blew up the original of that one too) with its impressive museum and the Chateau de Pierrefonds , restored from a ruin in the 19th century and now used as a repository for neo-Gothic artefacts, were followed by a trip into Paris for an all too rapid flit around the sights. We were struck by t...